The addition of a fireplace can ignite the spark in any room.
Some people want their fireplaces to keep them warm and cozy, while others like the aesthetic appeal without wanting to break out in a sweat.
You’ll have a few options — gas, electric or wood-fired. So, it's best to decide what you really want most from your purchase before deciding which fireplace is best suited for your home.
An electric fireplace won’t do as much to heat up the room, but if you’re looking to add that cozy aesthetic without intrusive installation or maintenance, they are the perfect solution.
Here’s why:
The convenience of using an electric fireplace can’t be understated. With a quick flip of the switch, it will light up and produce heat and a soft glow. A genuine, wood-burning fireplace produces the same heat and warm glow, but takes more effort to do so.
Many families must also take safety into account when planning their home entertainment layout. This is especially important if you have kids or pets.
Traditional fireplaces require wood, which can cause excess smoke if it’s wet. Additionally, matches and lighters are required, and they must be placed out of your kids’ reach at all times.
Electric fireplaces, on the other hand, pose fewer safety threats because they don’t require any additional products for use. However, it’s still important to be cautious. For example, some units have glass covers, which can become extremely hot and cause burns.
When it comes to upgrading your home entertainment layout, electric fireplaces are, by far, the simplest to incorporate.
Adding a traditional wood-burning fireplace will require major renovations, which will be both costly and intrusive to your daily life. An electric fireplace insert, on the other hand, is a simple unit that doesn’t require anything more than an outlet for use.
If you need help choosing an electric fireplace, our team at Watson’s is here for you. You can also learn more by checking out our Fireplace Buying Guide.