Watson's Blog - Design Ideas and Help for the Passionate Homeowner

How to Properly Close your Pool for Winter

Written by Watson's | Apr 27, 2023 3:59:30 PM

It’s been a good summer, but it’s starting to get colder and it’s time to close up the pool for the year.

Let’s go over the best way to make sure your Above Ground Pool is protected through another Michigan winter. Here are some tips on How To Properly Close your Pool for Winter!

Step 1: Maintain Your Water Chemistry

The very first thing you’ll need to do is make sure that your water is properly balanced before starting any winterization programs. This includes Alkalinity, pH, and Calcium Hardness Levels. This is crucial as Winterization chemicals will maintain your already existing levels.

Step 2: Clean Your Pool of Debris

Brush and Vacuum your pool as thoroughly as possible. Any leftover debris will reduce the effectiveness of your Winterization Chemicals as well as leave stains on your Pool.

Step 3: Add Winterizing Chemicals

Winterizing Chemicals help balance your pH as well as keeping it clean and clear with the help of Algaecides. This will reduce the amount of effort needed to set your pool up at the beginning of the next season!

Step 4: Use an Air Pillow

Air Pillows allow any water that has formed on the top of your Pool Cover to be easily removed as it pushes it towards the edges. Air Pillows also guide the cracks in ice away from the edges of the pool, preventing damage to the pool walls.

Step 5: Cover Your Pool

From animals climbing about to branches and dirt many factors can alter your pool’s stability, a Pool Cover helps to eliminate some of those contaminants by preventing them from coming into contact with your pool!


Taking care of your pool is an important part of having one, but you’re not alone! Stop by our pool stores in Livonia, Ann Arbor & Sterling Heights today and we can help you Close your Pool for Winter!