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Where Can I Buy a Foosball Table?

Written by Watson's | Nov 16, 2020 9:24:49 PM

Foosball is a fun, party game that is popular in bars all over the world. If you've ever wondered where you can buy a foosball table, then you're in luck. Watson’s offers an array of foosball tables for you to enjoy this sport from the comfort of your own home.

Why Buy a Foosball Table?

Foosball tables can inject a bit of fun and frivolity into your life. Fortunately, it's easy enough to cultivate that pub atmosphere at home by picking up one of your own. Consider the space that it will occupy. Do you have a designated game room? Do you just want to bring out the foosball table for parties? Foosball tables come in various sizes and styles, so make sure that you select the one that works best with your lifestyle and goals.

Finding The Best Table for You

Consider the space you want to house the foosball table. Larger or intermediate tables are stand-alone units that will generally occupy a permanent space in your living quarters. How often will you be using the table? If you have children, think about how many times they and their friends will want to play foosball.

Foosball Table Costs

Foosball tables come in a range of costs. The price is directly related to factors like what the table is made out of and how large it is. If your foosball table is crafted out of hardwood, it will cost a lot more than one put together with a particleboard.

Also, size matters when it comes to cost. Our kicker foosball table costs between $700-900. Whereas if you want to go for a pro table, the cost could come in around $1000 or more.

With so many excellent foosball table options to choose from, you can bring the fun and joy of foosball right into your home. If you need help determining which table style is right for you contact a Watson’s associate today to request a personalized quote.