Our 36th annual Pool School sale kicked off Yesterday 4/26 — and we just drew the names of 100+ winners as a thank you!
The fun is just getting started, we are giving away over $50,000 in prizes!
The prizes are to celebrate the 36th annual Pool School.
Shop now: The flexibility to shop how you choose - Online | In-Store | By Phone
Enter to win: Here are some of the ways you can enter to win.
Register for Pool School on our website: https://www.watsons.com/pool-school
Register for one of our Facebook Live seminars: https://www.facebook.com/shopwatsons/events
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shopwatsons/
Plus we’ll be surprising hundreds of random customers all week!
Did you win? Congratulations! We will begin fulfilling prizes the week of May 2nd. You will be receiving your gift card in the mail within two weeks. If you were a lucky winner during a Facebook Live Seminar please send us a direct message on Facebook and include your email, phone number and a good shipping address.
General winners do not need to take any action. If you do not receive your prize by Friday, May 16th, please contact your local Watson's. You can find all contact information here https://www.watsons.com/contact-us
TUESDAY'S WINNERS (alphabetical by first name)
$50: Allen Strippgen
$100: Alton/Beth Hadley
$100: Amanda Crump
$50: Andrew Jolissaint
$200: Anita Harris
$500: Anthony S. Babiarz
$50: Becky Starring
$500: Betty Duvelius
$100: Bill & Tanya Turner
$50: Blaise/Linda Anderson
$50: Brenda Baker
$50: Brian Charles
$200: Brian Henn
$100: Brian Morgan
$100: Cheri Romans
$50: Cinda/Johnny Kidd
$50: Dana Evans
$200: Darl/Janet Evers
$50: David Mccart
$200: Deborah Johnson
$200: Debra Farris
$500: Donald/Rita Verhage
$200: Drew Carpenter
$500: Georgia Ferreira
$100: Gilberto Phillips
$100: Hank & Jennifer Nederhoed
$50: Harry Dressler
$50: Heidi Hammond
$100: Helen/Robbie Mccarty
$50: Janett Shoopman
$50: Jeanie Campbell
$50: Jeffrey Hofmann
$50: Jill Pastoor
$200: Jodean Taynor
$100: John Muscatell
$100: John/Kathy Knop
$50: Joy Branger
$50: Kelli Moyer
$100: Kelly Sutton
$100: Kimberly Brown
$200: Kimbra Callis
$500: Kris & Amy Conner
$100: Krista Johnson
$50: Larry Shannon
$100: Laurie Mclean
$50: Lucas/Carey Rimmer
$200: Maggie Syvils
$500: Marianne Seidl
$50: Mary White
$50: Micheal&Debbie Gerlaugh
$200: Mike/Cordelia Beal
$50: Nicole King
$50: Pam Raines-Bowers
$50: Patricia Short
$100: Pennie Bryan
$200: Penny/George Rust
$100: Randy/Debby Moore
$100: Regina Staup
$50: Rhonda Young
$500: Rob Riggs
$500: Roger/Carolyn Broman
$500: Ruth Todd
$500: Ryan/Dawn Taylor
$200: Sammie Wands
$200: Sandy Schaendorf
$50: Scott Dunman
$50: Sean/Mary Mandeville
$50: Shannon Debeer
$100: Shannon Pyle
$200: Sharon Huffman
$100: Sherry Boblitt
$100: Steve/Becky Jordan
$100: Susan Blevins
$50: Terry Watson
$100: Tom Goetz
$100: Tom/Karla Dobson
$50: Tommy Pevlor
$200: Wayne Carter
$100: Wayne Thornburg
$100: William Snape
$50: Sherry Schmidt
$50: Melissa Fields
$100: Jennifer Preece
$100: Donna StClair
$200: Kriss Brodie
$200: Jessica Payne
$500: Brittany Franks
$50: Timothy Bates
$50: Amber Shoemaker
$100: Chad Wheeler
$100: April Hall
$200: Sue Bossworth
$200: Mike Dade
$500: Christine Hendrick