Our 37th annual Pool School sale kicked off on 4/18 — and we just drew the names of 100+ winners as a thank you!
The fun is just getting started, we are giving away over $50,000 in prizes!
The prizes are to celebrate the 37th annual Pool School.
Shop now: The flexibility to shop how you choose - Online | In-Store | By Phone
Enter to win: Here are some of the ways you can enter to win.
Register for Pool School on our website: https://www.watsons.com/pool-school
Register for one of our Facebook Live seminars: https://www.facebook.com/shopwatsons/events
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shopwatsons/
Plus we’ll be surprising hundreds of random customers all week!
Did you win? Congratulations! We will begin fulfilling prizes the week of May 1st. You will be receiving your gift card in the mail within two weeks. If you were a lucky winner during a Facebook Live Seminar please send us a direct message on Facebook and include your email, phone number and a good shipping address.
General winners do not need to take any action. If you do not receive your prize by Friday, May 19th, please contact your local Watson's. You can find all contact information here https://www.watsons.com/contact-us
THURSDAY 4/20/23 WINNERS (alphabetically by first name)
$100 Alisa Pene
$50 Amanda Siwicki
$100 Andrea Bruin
$50 Andy Watters
$200 Beau/Tiffany Manning
$100 Bill/Brenda Boshears
$200 Bob/Susan Veenstra
$50 Brad French
$50 Brandon A Krebs
$50 Brian Mcbride
$50 Brian/Sandra Bruckert
$50 Brooke Burtis
$50 Carla Wood
$100 Carol Webster
$100 Danielle Anderson
$50 Darcie Shannon
$500 Dave Barker
$50 Dawn Legrand
$50 Diana Miller
$200 Don & Jacque Harris
$50 Doug/Kati Terrill
$200 Ed/Lori Coleman
$100 Eric Copple
$50 Erik Skelonc
$50 George Sparks
$100 Gina/Dan Harris
$50 Glenda Brakeall
$50 Henry Litwinko
$200 James & Kim Bowman
$50 James Foote
$50 James O'Keefe
$500 Jason Foster
$100 Jeff Humphrey
$100 Jeff/Denise Lednicky
$500 Jenna Federau
$100 Jenna Mcewen
$200 Jennifer Fever
$100 Jerry Fleek
$100 Jesse Steiner
$50 Jessica & Tony Pedoto
$100 Jill Sivori
$50 Jim Bender
$50 Joe & Kim Soetaert
$50 Joel Coomer
$50 John Case
$100 John Thompson
$50 John/Gloria Laurence
$50 John/Peggy Kelly
$50 Joshua Nash
$50 Julie/Ken Schmoll
$500 Kaley Caudill
$100 Karen Finnen
$100 Karen Howard
$200 Katherine Heminger
$50 Kendra Whitham
$500 Kevin Babb
$100 Kim Choals
$50 Kyle Converse
$100 Larry & Ruth Staples
$100 Larry Burr
$100 Larry Mueller
$50 Laura/Kurt Rewa
$100 Leslie Glascoe
$50 Lisa Smits
$200 Marcie Ellison
$50 Marvin Medlock
$50 Matthew Hall
$50 Michael Knospe
$50 Michaelene Jones
$100 Michelle Tibone
$50 Michelle/Scott Vantamelen
$200 Mike Amy Hershner
$200 Mike/Dawn Montgomery
$200 Nancy Plunk
$200 Nicole Palmer
$50 Noel/Chris Winblad
$50 Patricia Bush
$200 Patricia Wolf
$100 Prindable Claire
$50 Randy/Fayrene Vieu
$200 Raven Miller
$100 Rebecca Scott
$50 Rhonda Goldman
$100 Rick Harrison
$50 Rick/Pam Weber
$200 Rick/Tina Scott
$50 Rick/Vickie Pingleton
$100 Robert Langguth
$100 Robert/Mary Jones
$50 Ron Meyer
$50 Ryan Benningfield
$200 Ryan/Autumn Partack
$200 Sandy Schmittling
$50 Scott Miller
$50 Shawn Tarachanowicz
$50 Sheanna Kurtz
$200 Sherry Boblitt
$200 Stephen Hall
$100 Stephen/Julie Young
$100 Steve Lucas
$50 Steve Powell
$50 Tamara Mills
$50 Tammy Fields
$50 Tammy Friedly
$50 Tania Estrada
$50 Tanya Blair
$100 Terry Boggs
$50 Tiffany Burris
$50 Tiffany Hammond
$50 Tiffany Klamm
$50 Tiffany Maxson
$200 Tim Hess
$50 Tracy Scott
$50 Vickie Peters
$50 Wendy Hodgkins
$50 Danielle Sparkman
$50 Ashley Christians
$100 John Washburn
$100 Wally Carpenter
$200 Pamela Uetrecht
$200 Rebretta Spradlin Veasey
$500 Becky Ann
$50 Chris Dudley-Crow
$50 Jaclyn Logan
$100 Lori Tillery Ginter
$100 Nancy Miller
$200 Teresa Hoff Gross
$200 Diane Powers
$500 Mona Mason Rhoads
Haviland Giveaway - Blast & Big Joe: Taylor Jackson Bunger
DOLPHIN POOL CLEANER: Jennifer Capannari