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Sustainable Living Outdoors: How to Create a Green Space with Sustainable Furniture

Posted by Watson's on Oct 12, 2023 1:20:00 PM

Creating an eco-friendly outdoor living space is easier than ever with the range of sustainable furniture options now available. By choosing furniture made from recycled materials, fast-growing bamboo, and sustainably harvested wood, you can design a gorgeous outdoor area that also respects the planet. So, let's explore some sustainable outdoor practices and how you can transform your outdoor space into a green oasis.

Understanding Sustainable Living and its Importance

Sustainable living is a lifestyle choice that minimizes an individual's or community's use of Earth's natural resources. This term encompasses a broad spectrum of practices geared towards reducing the environmental impact of our everyday habits. It includes careful management of resources, zero-waste practices, and investment in renewable energy sources.

From an outdoor living perspective, sustainable living implies tapping into green practices such as using sustainable outdoor furniture made from recycled plastic, choosing solar lights over traditionally powered outdoor lighting, and limiting water usage by installing rain barrels. The key is to create friendly outdoor living spaces that respect the environment and promote sustainability.


The Impact of Sustainability on the Environment

Sustainability has a profound positive impact on the environment. Sustainable practices reduce pollution, limit deforestation, conserve water, reduce waste, and slow down global warming. This not only protects the planet but also improves the quality of life for all its inhabitants.

In outdoor living spaces, sustainable behaviors can have a significant impact. The decision to replace natural grass with eco-friendly ground covers, for example, can save thousands of gallons of water each year. Choosing a pellet grill over a traditional barbecue grill can significantly reduce carbon emissions. Even small switches, like using solar lights instead of conventional outdoor lighting or choosing furniture made of sustainable materials, can make a big difference over time.


Benefits of Sustainable Living

There's no question that sustainable living has extensive benefits. The practice conserves natural resources, saves money, creates healthier living areas, and encourages a deep sense of satisfaction, knowing we're doing our part to protect the Earth.

Outdoor living spaces can benefit tremendously from sustainable practices. Switching to a rain barrel water collection system can lead to substantial savings on your water bill. Rolling out a fire pit surrounded by patio furniture made from recycled plastic can transform your backyard into a beautiful sustainable showcase at an affordable price range.

There are also plenty of advantages of friendly landscape design. It contributes to biodiversity, saves water, and decreases the need for harmful pesticides and fertilizers, thereby making every outdoor living area a friendly outdoor living area.

For more information about how to make environmentally friendly choices with your outdoor furniture, check out our furniture environmental impact guide

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Creating an Outdoor Green Space

With today’s increasing focus on sustainable living practices, bringing a green touch to outdoor living has become crucial. One of the best ways to commit to friendly outdoor living is by creating a sustainable living outdoor area, often referred to as a green space. Not only does a well-planned green outdoor living space promote a friendly landscape design, but it also provides a serene environment to relax and unwind.


Choosing the Right Location for a Green Space

Before you begin putting your friendly outdoor living space together, you'll need to select an appropriate location. For most, this will be a backyard or a garden area but don't despair if you don't have limited outdoor space. Even compact spaces like balconies can be transformed into friendly outdoor living areas with the right outdoor furniture and green practices. Consider the direction of the sun, the wind, the topography of your land, and your view before finalizing the location.

The environmental impact of your selection should be minimal. Select a place that receives a good amount of natural light to support plant growth and incorporates solar lights for evening illumination. A corner naturally shaded by trees can be the perfect location for outdoor seating made from sustainable materials. You can find a diverse range of sustainable outdoor furniture brands like Made Trade that offer pieces to suit various tastes and price ranges.


Designing a Green Space

Once you've chosen the location, the creative part of designing your friendly outdoor living space begins. Choose materials like recycled plastic, paving stones, and sustainably harvested wood for your patio furniture and other structures. If you're a BBQ enthusiast, consider energy-efficient pellet grills or natural gas barbecue grills over traditional charcoal versions for lesser carbon commitments.

Keep nature close by intertwining greenery with outdoor living areas. For the perfect friendly landscape, choose drought-tolerant plants, ground covers in place of natural grass, and small trees for shade instead of constructing sunshades. Make water collection simple by installing a rain barrel, and opt for a compost blend instead of chemical fertilizers for your plants. Every little effort goes a long way in reducing the environmental impact and contributes to the development of friendly outdoor living spaces.

Lighting can also contribute significantly to the overall aesthetic and functionality of outdoor spaces. Choosing solar lights as your primary source of outdoor lighting is a friendly choice that helps minimize energy consumption. For cooking or quickly heating up your outdoor living space, consider a solar oven or a fire pit as sustainable solutions.


Maintenance of a Green Space

Maintaining your green outdoor living area can be simple and stress-free. Swapping power-guzzling tools for manual or energy-efficient alternatives can make all the difference. For example, use a broom instead of a leaf blower, use a garden hose with a smart device to regulate water usage, or consider an old-fashioned push mower instead of a gas-guzzling beast.

And of course, don't forget about composting. Regular composting is an essential part of sustainable maintenance. Including compost in your routine not only provides rich nutrients for your plants but also significantly reduces the amount of organic waste that would otherwise end up in landfills.

By following these tips, maintaining your green outdoor living spaces becomes an enjoyable practice rather than a task, and the result is a sustainable showcase you can be proud of!

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Incorporating Sustainable Furniture in Your Green Space

The perfect combination of green practices, along with recycled plastic outdoor furniture, can transform your outdoor living area into a sustainable showcase. Let's take a look at some ways that you can incorporate eco-friendly furniture into your outdoor space.


Understanding What Sustainable Furniture Is

Sustainable furniture refers to furnishings made from environmentally friendly materials. Usually, outdoor furniture that’s created using recycled resources falls under this category. It's a smart and friendly choice for outdoor living.

When opting for a sustainable outdoor furniture brand, you are making a choice to reduce deforestation. Instead of opting for a garden hose or other garden gear made from harmful materials, choosing sustainable alternatives like a rain barrel for water collection, or a compost blend for nurturing the plants enhances friendly outdoor living.


Tips on Selecting Sustainable Furniture

While selecting a piece of sustainable outdoor furniture, it's important to consider a few aspects.

  • Certifications: First, always ensure that your chosen furniture is certified by an environment-friendly authorization to guarantee the least environmental impact.
  • Materials: Be sure to consider the materials involved. Some would argue that a pellet grill or a barbecue grill made from natural gas doesn’t harm the environment. However, sustainable materials like refurbished wood or bio-gas are much better options for outdoor living areas.
  • Durability: Finally, look for furniture made of durable material. For example, paving stones can be a great addition to outdoor living areas as they’re both durable and environment-friendly.

Check out our guide to the best outdoor furniture materials for different climates!


How to Care for Sustainable Furniture

When we talk about friendly outdoor space, it’s not only about selecting the right materials. It’s also about taking good care of them so that they last longer.

Fire pits made with sustainable materials require care like covering in rough weather. Care is vital for all outdoor spaces, whether it's your outdoor room with sustainable furniture or a fire pit area.

Avoid using harsh chemicals for cleaning outdoor furniture. Opt for natural cleansers instead. Your landscape design can also include solar lights, as they reduce your reliance on fossil fuels. Also, a solar oven could be a nice sustainable addition to your barbecue grills.

Remember, the ultimate aim is to reduce your carbon footprint and enjoy outdoor living at the same time. It’s absolutely possible, with just a few mindful choices.

Here are some essential tips for outdoor furniture maintenance!


Discover Our Wide Range of Eco-Friendly Outdoor Furniture

If you’re interested in finding new outdoor furniture, Watson’s has everything you need.

When you shop with us, you’ll find an amazing selection and personalized service, along with the guaranteed lowest prices in the USA. We have a wide variety of outdoor furniture from the leading brands along with tons of accessories to make your outdoor space complete. Shop online or stop by your nearest Watson’s location today.

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What is eco-friendly and sustainable furniture?

Eco-friendly and sustainable furniture refers to products that are designed and manufactured with minimal impact on the environment. This type of furniture is made from sustainable materials, such as recycled or reclaimed wood, bamboo, or rapidly renewable resources. It is produced using eco-friendly manufacturing processes that minimize waste, energy consumption, and emissions. Additionally, sustainable furniture is often designed to be long-lasting, durable, and easy to repair, reducing the need for frequent replacements and landfill waste. Overall, eco-friendly and sustainable furniture is a conscious choice that aims to promote environmental responsibility and reduce the carbon footprint of the furniture industry.


How can I be eco-friendly outside?

There are several ways to be eco-friendly outside and minimize your impact on the environment. One of the simplest ways is to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Avoid single-use items like plastic bottles, straws, and utensils, and instead bring your own reusable ones. Practice responsible waste management by properly disposing of trash and recycling materials whenever possible. Another way to be eco-friendly is by conserving water. Be mindful of your water usage by not wasting it unnecessarily and using water-efficient appliances or fixtures. Additionally, opt for eco-friendly transportation methods, such as cycling, walking, or carpooling, to reduce carbon emissions. Finally, support and participate in community clean-up activities or conservation projects to actively contribute to the preservation of outdoor spaces.


How can I make my furniture more sustainable?

There are several steps you can take to make your furniture more sustainable. First, consider choosing furniture made from sustainably sourced materials, such as reclaimed wood or bamboo, which have less environmental impact. Look for pieces that are produced using eco-friendly manufacturing processes and are free from harmful chemicals. Another way to make your furniture more sustainable is by opting for high-quality, durable pieces that will last longer and reduce the need for replacements. Additionally, consider repurposing or upcycling old furniture instead of disposing of it, as this helps to reduce waste. Finally, make sure to recycle or properly dispose of any furniture that you no longer need, to prevent it from ending up in a landfill.

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