Make the most of your above ground pool with these essential accessories that will enhance your above ground pool swimming experience and keep your pool in top shape.
Topics: Pool - Supplies
With pool season right around the corner, pool owners are ready to have all the fun.
Below are 8 of the brand-new products now available at Watson's, one of the top pool chemical & accessories sites in the world.
Topics: Pool - Supplies
Pool season is right around the corner — and pool owners everywhere are already ready to have all the fun.
Topics: Pool - Supplies
6 Essential Pool Maintenance Supplies Every Owner Needs
Owning a pool is a commitment to ensuring its cleanliness, safety, and functionality through regular maintenance. Equipping yourself with the right pool maintenance supplies is the first step towards a hassle-free pool ownership experience. Let’s dive into the essential tools and accessories that should form the cornerstone of your pool cleaning kit, optimized to help you find everything you need for maintaining a pristine pool all year round.
Topics: Pool - Supplies
Pool Water Testing Frequency: How Often Should I Test My Pool Water?
Figuring out how often to test your pool water is key to keeping it clean and safe. Most people think testing once a week is enough, but here at Watson's, we suggest a closer watch — aim for 2 to 3 times a week. Remember, the right number of tests might vary for different pools. This guide is all about why regular testing is important, what might change your testing schedule, and how to keep your pool in top shape. We'll help you answer the big question: 'How Often Should I Test My Pool Water?' and make sure your pool stays perfect for every splash.
Topics: Learn more, Pool - Chemicals, Pool - Supplies
Unless you’re using a salt water generator, you’re probably well aware of your swimming pool’s need for chlorine. You can add chlorine in liquid form, in granules, or in compressed tablets that can be placed in a floating delivery system or added to some filters.
Topics: Product Announcement, Learn more, Pool - Supplies