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How Our Free Interior Design Consultations Work

Posted by Watson's on May 26, 2020 1:36:00 PM

Wish you had your own interior designer for a home makeover? 


Need design ideas to turn a blah space into a space you love?


Watson’s has launched a new service — virtual design consultations.


And they're free. 

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Topics: Learn more, Ideas

6 Steps for Designing Small Outdoor Living Spaces

Posted by Watson's on Sep 7, 2019 8:37:00 AM

One of our most popular recent blog posts was our outdoor design guide, 5 Tips to Design Your Outdoor Living Spaces. Since that article was published, we’ve received some great feedback from readers, some of whom pointed out — quite accurately — that some of those ideas weren’t applicable to particularly small outdoor living spaces. 

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Topics: Outdoor and Patio - Furniture, Outdoor and Patio - Accessories, Ideas, Brand Spotlight

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