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Guide to Buying the Perfect Area Rug

Posted by Watson's on Feb 12, 2021 8:44:57 AM

Guide to Buying the Perfect Area Rug

A great room starts from the rug up. 

The perfect area rug is a chance to show off your personal style and a simple way to add comfort and warmth to any space. 

Whether it’s your bedroom, a dining room or an entryway, it’s also a highly functional way to protect your floods, absorb noise and create a more comfortable 

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Here are tips from our designers on how to pick the perfect rug for your space: 

How big of a rug do I need? 

This will depend on where you will be placing the rug. 

Living Room

The rug is often centered under a coffee table, and complements the furniture arrangement in your living room. 

Seating is different for everyone’s living room situation, but good design comes in the form of uniformity. For example: If the front legs of your couch sit on the top of your area rug, then your armchairs should also do the same. 

Additionally, buying a rug that is tool small is a common mistake in decorating a living room. So, those who are worried about rug size should always lean on the larger side. 

Dining Room

Always be sure to purchase a rug that is larger than the size of your dining table. 

The area rug should be large enough to account for the distance that dining chairs are pushed back when guests stand up from their seat. 

We recommend adding about 3 feet beyond the table, to protect the floor and to prevent the chair from rocking on uneven surfaces. 


Choosing the right type of rug can add a little bit of extra comfort for your feet, especially if your bedroom floors are hardwood. 

For beds that have nightstands on both sides, measure the width of your bed as a guide. Account for other furniture such as ottomans or benches that sit at the foot of your bed as well. 

As a rule of thumb: Every leg on a piece of furniture needs to be on top of the rug, or not on the rug at all.

Know what type of rug fits your space. 

After you decide what size, next decide the type of rug.

Here is a quick guide on a few common types of rug weaves, and which ones fit each room best. 


Tufted rugs are made from yarn loops to make a flat surface. These rugs are typically great for those on a budget and provide stylish alternatives to hand-knotted rugs. Be aware that these types of rugs require regular vacuuming and can often shed. 


These rugs tend to stand the test of time. These rugs are meticulously made to provide the ultimate quality, as they are typically built to last. These rugs tend to be a higher investment. 

Flat woven

Flat woven rugs are those that come in different materials like cotton, wool, and synthetics. These rugs are very durable and often require a rug pad. Flat woven rugs are also reversible, making them perfect for family rooms and other high traffic areas in your home. 

Machine crafted

Rugs that are machine woven by power looms. These are great for those on a budget, and come in all sorts of materials and patterns. The great part is that these rugs are also consistent in quality, as every rug is made on the same machine. It is best to use machine rugs in areas where the rug isn’t the staple piece to the space. Dining rooms and bedrooms can be great places to throw a machine rug down. 

Materials are important. 

Different rugs call for different materials. Some are softer than others, while other rugs may be more durable or stain resistant. The price of each material should also be considered. Here is a quick rundown on common types of materials that make rugs. 


Rugs that are made of wool are probably the most common type of rugs found in living rooms and dining spaces. These rugs are soft and durable, retain heat very well, and may even be stain resistant. Regular vacuuming may be required, as some rugs are prone to shedding compared to other types of rugs. 


Cotton rugs are often low-maintenance and easy to clean in the event of dirt or spills. Cotton rugs do not shed as much as a wool rug would, and they tend to be more durable. These rugs are great as a functional piece underneath dining room tables, since they are often machine washable. 


Synthetic fibers are great for both indoor and outdoor rugs. This is because rugs made from synthetic fibers are often stain resistant, easy to care for and can even be fade resistant. The durability is great for spaces with high areas of traffic, so these rugs are perfect for entryways, mudrooms, and common hallways

Ready to shop? 

Shop our selection of rugs today, with every rug at the guaranteed lowest price in the USA.

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