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How to Start Up an Above Ground Pool for the First Time

Posted by Watson's on Nov 27, 2023 12:15:00 PM

Investing in an above-ground pool creates a perfect backyard oasis for relaxation and fun. But before any swimming enjoyment, the pool needs proper start-up when setting it up for the very first time. This guide covers installing above-ground pools, from preparing the site to filling it with water, plus maintenance tips to keep your pool sparkling all season long.


Understanding Above Ground Pools

When considering diving into the world of swimming pools, many people are clueless about how to start up an above-ground pool for the first time. But fear not, the ground pool experts are here to help you navigate these waters!


Benefits of Above Ground Pools

Above-ground pools offer numerous advantages over their inground counterparts. Not only are they less expensive and quicker to install, but they are also adaptable, relocatable, and generally easier to maintain.

Not to mention, given that ground pools sit above the ground, they can be safer for families with small children, as they are harder to accidentally fall into compared to an inground pool.

Installing Above Ground Pools: The Ultimate Guide

The above-ground pool installation and setup process begins with the selection of the right location and ensuring a level foundation to avoid future issues.


Choosing the Right Location for Your Pool

Selecting an ideal location is the cornerstone of the pool care process. Not only should the chosen spot be flat and stable, but it should also be free from overhead power lines, debris, and trees that could drop leaves into your pool.


Creating a Level Foundation

This phase of the pool opening process can be a bit labor intensive, but the rewards are worth it. Working with the lay of the land, use a shovel or a leveler to create a flat surface for your above-ground pool.

Pro tip from the ground pool experts: using a pressure gauge can help you ensure that the ground is level enough.


Installation Process: Setting Up the Frame and Pool Liner

Once the area is leveled, you can start setting up the frame according to the manufacturer's instructions. A soft broom can help smoothen the pool liner without puncturing it.


Filling the Pool with Water

The first thing you need to check before filling your swimming pool with water is the water level. An optimal water level ensures the pool system, especially the pool pump and pool filter, operates efficiently.

As you fill the pool with water, be sure to test the water chemistry regularly using a reliable test kit. Keeping a constant eye on the water balance and maintaining optimal chlorine levels will keep your pool safe and inviting.

Post-pool opening, regular pool maintenance is critical. Always cover your pool with a protective winter pool cover in times of non-use, and use a pool cover pump for water treatment.

Installing an above-ground pool, like managing a hot tub, can seem daunting initially. But with the right approach, advice from ground pool experts, and the right set of tools, your swimming pool start can be an exciting journey to enjoy.

How to start up an above ground pool for the first time.
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Maintaining Your Above Ground Pool

Starting up an above-ground pool seems daunting, but trust your ground pool experts - It's simpler than it sounds! Pool care is pivotal for your swimming pool's durability and your safety. So, let's get your ground pool opening done right for the first run.


Importance of Pool Maintenance

Before we delve into the pool opening process, let's understand why pool maintenance is so important.

Balancing pool water chemistry extends your pool's lifespan and keeps the swimmers safe. Improper water balance can damage your pool system and may lead to skin and eye irritation. Routine maintenance keeps water sanitary for swimming and prevents damage from improper chemical levels. Be sure to follow manufacturer guidelines and local health codes.


Required Pool Chemicals: Chlorine, Pool Salt, Algaecide

These chemicals form the triumph card to achieve that sparkling clean pool water. Chlorine sanitizes your pool, scrapping all bacteria and viruses. Pool salts assist chlorine in its job and give your pool water that soft, soothing texture. Don't forget the algaecides that kill the unwanted algae and prevent their future growth.

Pro tip: Always check the chlorine level using a reliable test kit. Excessive chlorine can be as hazardous as its deficiency.


How to Use a Pool Test Kit

Pool test kits are the unsung heroes in your pool care regime. It measures everything from your chlorine level to your pool's pH and alkalinity. Simply collect your pool water in the provided vial and add the specified reagents. Compare the resulting color with the included color chart and voila, you have your readings!

In the event of a misbalance, don't worry. Adjust your pool chemicals accordingly, and retest after a few hours.


Cleaning Your Pool: Nets, Brushes & Vacuum

Spotlessly clean pool water is an irresistible invitation for everyone around. Using a net, pick out the visible debris. The brush comes in handy to scrub off the stubborn ones sticking to the pool walls and floor.

A pool vacuum gives the finishing touch, ensuring there’s not a particle of dirt left. Remember to clean out your pool filter frequently. This prevents unwelcomed pressure build-up in your system.

For more information, read our guide on above-ground pool installation and setup.


Premium Above Ground Pool Selection

If you’re interested in finding a new above-ground pool, Watson’s has everything you need.

When you shop with us, you’ll find a premium above-ground pool selection, personalized service, and the guaranteed lowest prices in the USA. We have a wide variety of above-ground pools from the leading brands along with tons of accessories to make your pool space complete. Shop online or stop by your nearest Watson’s location today.

Above ground pool start up accessories.
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How long should I run the pool pump and filter daily?

Aim for 8-12 hours of circulation. Ensure the pump can turn over the total water volume at least 1-2 times in 24 hours. More may be needed in hot weather.


What chemicals do I add when first filling the pool?

Begin adding chlorine once the pool is 1/3 filled to get proper sanitation levels, then balance pH and alkalinity as needed once full.


How soon can I swim after the initial start-up?

Wait 24-48 hours after achieving proper chemical levels for the water to circulate and balance before swimming. Test levels again before first use just to be safe.

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