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Start Up Chemicals for Your Above Ground Pool

Posted by Watson's on Jun 17, 2022 9:30:00 AM

You’re likely excited and already making your list of everything you need to open your above ground pool for summer festivities. As you’re making this list, don’t forget your start up chemicals to enjoy clear, clean water all summer long!


While everyone may have their own preferences, we’ve put together our list of recommended start up chemicals to ensure you’re ready to go for opening day! 


Getting your pool balanced and focusing on the alkalinity will help balance everything else out faster. So, when opening, begin and focus on balancing your alkalinity. First, test the alkalinity levels.

If your alkalinity is too low, it could cause cracking, delimitation, and even corrosion of materials, which may not be repairable without replacement. If it’s too high, it can cause calcium buildup which leads to scaling, cloudy water as well as clogged filters.

Alkalinity is what stabilizes the pH balance in your pool. 

Muriatic acid is a liquid chemical to lower total alkalinity and pH. Another, safer option to lower alkalinity and pH is Swimway’s pH Minus. Chlorine or pH will increase alkalinity.


Chlorine is what keeps your pool clean and free from germs, bacteria, and potential viruses like swimmer’s ear.

When opening your above ground pool and getting the alkalinity within a recommended range, you’ll then want to shock it with chlorine. You can get chlorine in granular, liquid form, and tablet form. 

While granular (or powder) chlorine may be slightly more expensive than its liquid counterpart, it is preferred by residential pool owners for its ease of use and lower pH. Granular chlorine is easy for everyday use and dissolves quickly. Some brands, like Swimway, offer additional benefits like UV protection, completely soluble granules (no cloudiness in your pool), and saltwater compatibility.

To make your pool maintenance even easier (and reduce the amount of chlorine you use), Watson’s recommends our slow dissolve chlorine tablets and mineral dispensing canisters. Not only are the slow-dissolve tablets less expensive and easier to find, but they also offer more benefits than using granular chlorine alone. 

Our Aqua Smarte mineral sets use the combined power of slow dissolving chlorine and minerals to keep your pool cleaner longer and save the amount of chlorine you use. The minerals are a natural way to filter incoming pool water and rid it of acids and bacteria. The slow dissolve chlorine is slowly eroded through the canister outputting fresh mineral water back into your pool.

The best part about using chlorine tablets with a slow-release system is that you don’t have to worry about how much to put in or adjust. It’s an efficient, easy, and cost-effective way to keep your pool cleaner longer.

Liquid chlorine is an efficient way to quickly boost the chlorine levels in a pool but it temporarily raises the PH so you may need to us PH minus to balance the pool water.

How much chlorine should you put in? The recommendation is one gallon of chlorine per every 5,000 gallons of water. Watson’s carries a variety of sizes of chlorine for every pool size!

Make sure as you shock your pool that you’re testing the levels to ensure they are in the correct range.

Watson’s also carries non-chlorine shock to get the same results without the chlorine.


Conditioner is an effective chemical to use to protect and increase the effectiveness of your chlorine. While some granular chlorine has added enhancements like UV protection, not all do. That’s where conditioner comes in. It prevents chlorine loss from the sun, which means you don’t have to keep readjusting and adding more chlorine. 


Calcium can also affect your alkalinity and can put wear and tear on the pool and the equipment, like the filter and pump. To avoid repairs and an unbalanced pool, test for calcium hardness and adjust as needed with a product like Swimway’s Calcium Plus.


A good measure in ensuring a clean and clear pool is to also treat with an algaecide like Swimway’s Algae Preventative. These neutral chemicals don’t affect the pH and other important pool levels and are safe to use even right before swimming.

Additional Above Ground Pool Chemical to Consider

Other pool chemicals that you may consider using when opening or throughout your pool season to balance and keep clean may include:

  • Clarifiers and Flocculants: These are used to collect small dirt and debris particles. They turn into larger ones to clean out or filter easier. 
  • Enzymes: These are used to remove odors, oils, and non-living contaminants from your pool.

To grab all your start up pool chemicals, make sure to stop into one of Watson’s nine superstore locations today. Not all items are able to be shipped, so stop in or call ahead and speak with one of our experts today so you can get your above group pool cannonball ready!

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