Our 35th annual Pool School sale kicked off Monday — and we just drew the names of 100+ winners as a thank you!
The fun is just getting started, we are giving away over $50,000 in prizes!
The prizes are to celebrate the 35th annual Pool School being held exclusively on Watsons.com.
Shop now: The nation's largest chemical & accessory sale is exclusively online at Watsons.com and ends Wednesday, April 21st.
Enter to win: Here are some of the ways you can enter to win.
Register for pool school on our website: https://www.watsons.com/pool-school
Register for one of our Facebook Live seminars: https://www.facebook.com/shopwatsons/events/?ref=page_internal
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shopwatsons/
Plus we’ll be surprising hundreds of random customers all week!
Did you win? Congratulations! We will begin fulfilling prizes the week of April 27. You will be receiving your gift card in the mail within two weeks. If you were the lucky winner of a dolphin cleaner we will contact you directly.
You do not need to take any action. If you do not receive your prize by Friday, May 7, please contact your local Watson's. You can find all contact information here https://www.watsons.com/contact-us
MONDAY'S WINNERS (alphabetical by first name)
Amanda & Judd Morgan $50
Angela King $100
Angelique Burns-Barrett $200
Angie Spohr $50
April Roberts $100
Barbara Stuitje $100
Ben Orris $50
Betsy Maxwell $200
Beverly Thornton $50
Brandy Leung $100
Brent Duncan $50
Brittany Grant $100
Carol Henderson $50
Casey Brogan $50
Chad/Leanne Cross $50
Cheryl Franklin $100
Chris Gazall $50
Chris Klaus $50
Chris Slinkard $50
Christina Randall $50
Clara Brooks $500
Clark Burrell $200
Cynthia Bettler $100
Dannie Hankins $200
Darron Reynolds $100
David Grant $200
David & Annie Seidl $50
Dawn Henion $200
Deanne Drew $100
Dee Sheeran $50
Denise Fryman $50
Derrick Delaney $50
Dixie Hyland $200
Donna Sandmann $100
Doug & Paula Vaughan $200
Douglas Wade $100
Drew Hoffman $50
Elizabeth Colegrove $100
Erin Mcvay $200
Gary Porter $50
Gary Janowski $100
Glenn Hijek $100
Greg Keith $100
Jackie Wielinga $50
James Talbot $200
James Adams $100
Jamie Vander Weg $50
Janel Vogl $50
Jason Haggard $50
Jeanne/Dave Lowe $100
Jeff Coke $500Jeff Theiss $200
Jeff/Denise Lednicky $100
Jeffrey Gorham $500
Jenna Drury $50
Jennifer Webster $50
Jessica Ransdell $200
Jim Richied $200
Jodi/Rick Mcclees $500
Joe/Audrey Campbell $50
Joelle Fix $100
Joyce Brundage $50
Judy Pappert $50
Julie Drew $50
Kathleen Herrmann $50
Keith & Trudy Jackson $50
Ken Thompson $100
Kenneth Conklin $50
Kent/Maria Ley $50
Kevin Schmit $200
Kevin Brandenburg $50
Kristina Gunter $200
Linda Zech $50
Lois Schachner $100
Loretta Brinkman $50
Melvin Kohl $50
Michael Beer $50
Michael Lindenmuth $50
Michael/Cathy Dutkiewicz $200
Michelle Paul Schiml $50
Mike Vanderstelt $100
Mike Lapekes $50
Mike & Michelle Hackman $100
Milt Kreitzer $50
Nicholas Procasky $50
Nick Menefee $50
Patrick Holmes $100
Randy Powers $50
Rebecca Harkness $50
Renee George $50
Rich Martin $200
Richard/Paula Beauchamp $100
Rob & Jo Ann Hirtz $200
Ron/Rhonda Woods $50
Sandy Williams $200
Sarah Freiberger $50
Scott Mowery $50
Scott/Colleen Befus $50
Sharon Statt $50
Shelly Reynolds $50
Sherra Springer $50
Sherry Reynolds $200
Steve Rose $100
Steve/Patti Willis $100
Sue Wolf $50
Sue E & Terry Michael $50
Tamara Mills $50
Tara Lewis $100
Tara Higginbotham $500
Theresa Anderson $100
Tim & Marilyn Corsbie $100
Tina Geary $50
Tonya Kampwerth $50
Victoria/Mark Nelson $50
Virginia Brown $50
Here were the Facebook Live Seminar winners!
1PM Seminar:
Jason Shell $50 Gift Card
Kathy Shaw $50 Gift Card
Lisa Godora $100 Gift Card
Barbara Cornett $100 Gift Card
Bev Bownan $200 Gift Card
Vickie Diepenbrock $500 Gift card
Brenda Mcalister - Dolphin Pool Cleaner
7pm Seminar:
Jennifer Redmon $50 Gift Card
Jeff Barnes $50 Gift Card
Eric Price $100 Gift Card
Tiffany Mcspadden $100 Gift card
Holly Eggert $100 Gift Card
Lori Ginter $200 Gift Card
Matthew Lee $500 Gift Card
Shannon Crone - Dolphin Pool Cleaner