Our 35th annual Pool School sale kicked off Monday — and we just drew the names of 100+ more winners as a thank you!
The fun is just getting started, we are giving away over $50,000 in prizes!
The prizes are to celebrate the 35th annual Pool School being held exclusively on Watsons.com.
Shop now: The nation's largest chemical & accessory sale is exclusively online at Watsons.com and ends Wednesday, April 21st.
Enter to win: Here are some of the ways you can enter to win.
Register for pool school on our website: https://www.watsons.com/pool-school
Register for one of our Facebook Live seminars: https://www.facebook.com/shopwatsons/events/?ref=page_internal
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shopwatsons/
Plus we’ll be surprising hundreds of random customers all week!
Did you win? Congratulations! We will begin fulfilling prizes the week of April 27. You will be receiving your gift card in the mail within two weeks. If you were the lucky winner of a dolphin cleaner we will contact you directly.
You do not need to take any action. If you do not receive your prize by Friday, May 7, please contact your local Watson's. You can find all contact information here https://www.watsons.com/contact-us
MONDAY'S WINNERS (alphabetical by first name)
Amanda Burr $50
Amina $100
Andrew Kramb $50
Ann Bathon $200
Anthony/Heather Herman $100
Barbara Thompson $50
Beth Galloway $100
Bill Chapman $50
Brian Hilbrand $200
Bruce Snyder $50
Caren Corbett $100
Carol Laflure $50
Charles & Dixie Wyatt $200
Charles Valley $100
Cheryl Stone $200
Chris Connie Masten $100
Chris/Kristen Groenhout $100
Christopher Gore $50
Clint/Brandy Marlette $50
Courtney Willard $100
Craig/Faith Kleiman $50
Dana Nowlin $50
Daniel Marquis $50
David Smith $50
David Thurnall $100
David/Katie Badgett $100
David/Keri Woodwyk $50
Dawn Windels $50
Debra Futrell $50
Denise Risse $200
Doug & Annette Carley $50
Doug Stein $50
Erin Laurito $200
Gayle Larue $50
Gilbert Darnell $200
Greg Anthony $200
Heather Sadowski $100
Heather Sadowski $50
Heidi Zink $100
Jack Sohn $50
Jaclyn Hayes $100
James Stawicki $50
Jamie Blackburn $100
Jeffrey Erhorn $50
Jesse Stiers $200Jim Mielke $50
Joanna Kincaid $50
Jody Ellet $50
Joe Blust $200
Joe Lawson $100
John Haworth $50
John Parciak $50
John Sharpshair $100
Joseph Berger $50
Joseph Kiefer $50
Joseph Tharp $50
Joseph Thelen $200
Joyce Kannapel $100
Judy Akers $200
Julia Lesinski $50
Justin &Tiffany Bruner $50
Karen Goldsberry $50
Karl Cornett $200
Katie Collins $50
Keith Renken $50
Kelly Ransdell $200
Kevin Hales $200
Kim Piechoinski $100
Kimberly Richardson $50
Laura Hall $50
Lewis Boylan $50
Linda/Mike Somerville $50
Lisa Gausman $50
Lisa Mittleman $50
Lois Drake $50
Loran Miller $50
Lori Griffin $100
Lori Kennedy $100
Luke Wolters $200
Mark R Stinebak Sti $100
Matt Frazier $50
Matt Roettgers $200
Matthew Hop $100
Melissa Neislein $50
Melissa Pace $50
Michael Begley $50
Michael Perysian $50
Michael/Kelli Schumacher $50
Michelle/Scott Vantamelen $100
Mike & Amy Younker $50Paul Morford $100
Paula Thiel $50
Rachel Kopak $50
Randy & Kelly Branch $50
Randy & Tracie Sparks $200
Richard Flake $200
Rob Bryan $50
Rob/Susie Howell $100
Robert Muncy $50
Robert Shreck $50
Robert/Rayanne Bishop $500
Roger Hoskins $200
Ron Rickert $100
Roxanne Williams $500
Roy E. Johnson $100
Russ Dooley $100
Stephanie Clay $500
Stephanie Johnson $100
Teresa & Tony Huff $50
Terri Short $50
Terry Cramer $50
Thomas Beach $50
Thomas/Denise Beumel $500
Tim Bosworth $500
Vicki Bidwell $50
Wayne & Vicki Bordner $100
Here were the Facebook Live Seminar winners!
1PM Seminar:
Brittany Franks $50 Gift Card
Leslie Glascoe $50 Gift Card
Nicholas MacAttack $100 Gift Card
Nicole Grinwis $100 Gift Card
Carla Curry $200 Gift Card
Jason Patterson $500 Gift card
Milt Kreitzer - Dolphin Pool Cleaner
7pm Seminar:
Tyler Bogue $50 Gift Card
Tina Witt $50 Gift Card
Lori Lynn $100 Gift Card
David Schradin $100 Gift card
Mary Dade $200 Gift Card
Corey Pullen $200 Gift Card
Sandy Meyer $500 Gift Card
Melissa Lynn - Dolphin Pool Cleaner