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Pool School Prize Winners: Day 3 (4/28/22)

Posted by Watson's on Apr 29, 2022 1:22:35 PM


Our 36th annual Pool School sale kicked off on 4/26 — and we just drew the names of 100+ winners as a thank you! 

The fun is just getting started, we are giving away over $50,000 in prizes!

The prizes are to celebrate the 36th annual Pool School.


Shop now: The flexibility to shop how you choose - Online | In-Store | By Phone


Enter to win: Here are some of the ways you can enter to win. 

Register for Pool School on our website:

Register for one of our Facebook Live seminars:

Follow us on Instagram:

Plus we’ll be surprising hundreds of random customers all week!


Did you win? Congratulations! We will begin fulfilling prizes the week of May 2nd. You will be receiving your gift card in the mail within two weeks. If you were a lucky winner during a Facebook Live Seminar please send us a direct message on Facebook and include your email, phone number and a good shipping address.  

General winners do not need to take any action. If you do not receive your prize by Friday, May 16th, please contact your local Watson's. You can find all contact information here


TUESDAY'S WINNERS (alphabetical by first name)

$50 Aaron/Ashley Steinbrunner

$100 Aaron/Becky Schneider

$200 Amy Schlake

$200 Andrea Ellis

$50 Beth/Bill Cochran

$50 Bob Papin

$100 Brian Clayton

$50 Brian/Patrice Phelps

$100 Bruce & Trecia Waring

$100 Bryan/Julie Beuschel

$50 Carlie Smith

$200 Carmen Shane

$50 Catherine/Micha Stropki

$50 Chad Esser

$200 Charles Cuny

$500 Charles Kathy Wiggington

$200 Chip Hall

$50 Chris Speraw

$50 Christi Murphy

$50 Cindy Hargis

$50 Clark Burrell

$500 Cynthia Banta

$200 David/Michele Schippers

$200 Debra Bohachevsky

$500 Dennis/Sue Koesterer

$100 Glen Everhart

$200 Gwendolyn Kennedy

$50 Jacklyn Stewart

$50 James Newton

$100 Janice Bentley

$100 Jenna Hinkle

$100 Jeremy/Abby Wilson

$100 Jessica Snider

$100 Jo Hartman

$50 Jodi Arnett

$100 Joe & Jessica Phelps

$100 John Bravard

$500 John Hebert

$50 John Holderness

$100 John/Janelle Hannink

$50 Katie Smith

$500 Kevin Carman

$50 Kevin Mccomas

$100 Kristen/Jeff Vandevusse

$500 Kristie Priddy

$50 Lea Rose

$50 Lindsay Bowser

$100 Marcie Ellison

$100 Marilyn Duff

$50 Mary Durkee

$200 Megen Simon

$100 Meleah Naugle

$100 Michele Whitmer

$50 Mike Platfoot

$200 Nancy Windorff

$100 Pamela Hubbard

$50 Patricia Hall

$500 Paula Harman

$500 Penny Rust

$50 Randy/Fayrene Vieu

$50 Rebecca Hager

$100 Richard Hunt

$50 Robby/Pam Edwards

$100 Robin Bailey

$500 Ron/Peggy Schneider

$50 Sandy/Robert Dennis

$500 Scott Powers

$50 Shannon Eddington

$100 Shelly Tingle

$50 Sherri Williams

$50 Sonya Gotto

$200 Staci Ballard

$100 Taurie Hairston

$50 Terry& Pamala Jones

$200 Thomas De Vos

$50 Tonia/Chris Boggs

$200 Tony Huey

$200 Tony/Linda Roberts

$100 Tracy Scott

$200 Troy Smith

$100 Wendy Hodgkins 


Here were the Facebook Live Seminar winners! 
1PM Seminar:

$50: Terri Varble

$50: Kevin Smith

$100: Christopher Moore

$100: Barb Sutter

$200: Terry Sandlin

$200: Skip Mansfield

$500: Gail Lawver

7pm Seminar:

$50: Sam Dawns

$50: Randy Payne

$100: Barbara Steers

$100: Debbie Hicks

$200: Lauren Cox

$200: Misty Aaron 

$500: Stacy Walker



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