Pool School Prize Winners: Day 2 (4/24/24)
Our 38th annual Pool School sale kicked off on 4/23 — and we just drew the names of 100+ winners as a thank you!
The fun is just getting started, we are giving away over $50,000 in prizes!
The prizes are to celebrate the 38th annual Pool School.
Shop now: The flexibility to shop how you choose - Online | In-Store | By Phone
Enter to win: Here are some of the ways you can enter to win.
Register for Pool School on our website: https://www.watsons.com/poolschool/pool-school-sign-up
Register for one of our Facebook Live seminars: https://www.facebook.com/shopwatsons/events
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shopwatsons/
Plus we’ll be surprising hundreds of random customers all week!
Did you win? Congratulations! We will begin fulfilling prizes the week of May 13th. You will be receiving your gift card in the mail within two weeks. If you were a lucky winner during a Facebook Live Seminar please send us a direct message on Facebook and include your email, phone number and a good shipping address.
General winners do not need to take any action. If you do not receive your prize by Friday, May 24th, please message us on Facebook.
WEDNESDAY 4/24/24 WINNERS (alphabetically by first name)
$200 Adam Jenness
$100 Amy Basham
$50 Andrea Van Velzel
$100 Ann Bathon
$500 Annette Brunner
$50 Ashley Bishop
$200 Barbara Thompson
$50 Barbara/Chris Kodra
$100 Bart & Anne Goings
$100 Brad Bowman
$50 Brenda Snyder
$100 Brian Keller
$50 Brian/Janet Brown
$50 Brian/Patrice Phelps
$50 Brian/Sandra Bruckert
$50 Bridget Skvara
$50 Bryan Anderson
$50 Chad-Stacy Davis
$50 Chris Anders
$500 Chris Hall
$100 Dale Miller
$50 Dalton Esselman
$200 Dan & Catherine Herron
$50 Dan/Nichole Hider
$50 Daniel Cole
$200 Daniel Doty
$50 Danny Mary Jones
$100 Darrell Carson
$100 David Hinkel
$200 David Jones
$50 Dawn Wick
$50 Debbie Whitaker
$50 Diane Brennan
$200 Don & Jacque Harris
$50 Doug/Carla Cox
$200 Duane Price
$200 Elizabeth Hopwood
$50 Ellen Turnere
$100 Emili Hitchcock
$200 Erica Mills
$100 Erin Kokenge
$200 Evelyn Chapel
$200 Heather Delecki
$50 Jaclyn Mendoza
$50 James Kamp
$50 James/Jean Rodgers
$50 Jared Hughes
$200 Jason Chandler
$50 Jason Paarlberg
$50 Jeff/Denise Lednicky
$50 Jeffrey S Weber
$50 Jennifer Frank
$50 Jennifer Tschirhart
$200 Jerry Burnettle
$100 Jessica Burns
$50 Jim Adams
$50 Jo & Jim Tolan
$50 Joe Kaffenberger
$100 Joel Shoemake
$50 Joseph Cunningham
$50 Joshua Needler
$200 Kathy Fisher
$100 Kelley Moore
$50 Kim Akkerhuis
$50 Lisa Fulks
$200 Lori Wonderly
$100 Lorrin French
$50 Lynn Fugate
$100 Marianne Seidl
$50 Mark Brodnicki
$100 Mark Harper
$100 Mark/Lisa Eisman
$100 Mary Blanton
$100 Matt Manzelli
$50 Melanie White
$100 Michelle Martin
$50 Michelle Tipton
$50 Michelle/Jim Deck
$200 Mike Cundiff
$50 Misty Lepley
$50 Nichole Knight
$50 Nick Menefee
$500 Noreen Kurtz
$50 Pam Jones
$50 Pamela Hubbard
$100 Phil Landau
$100 Rachel Tiehes
$200 Rafe Baker
$200 Rebecca Beasley
$100 Rebecca Strouse
$500 Renee George
$200 Ronald Baumet
$50 Roscoe Mikoff
$100 Ryan/Dawn Taylor
$50 Sabine Sagner
$50 Sara Geers
$50 Savannah Hartman
$50 Scott Musil
$200 Scott Vanderploeg
$100 Sharon Kerns
$100 Sharon/Ben Vanderwilp
$50 Stan Lotscher
$500 Steve Shahan
$50 Steve Sweat
$50 Susan Morgan
$100 Susanne Cherney
$50 Tammy Gibson
$50 Teresa Cooke
$100 Tim Cornelius
$50 Tina Radford
$50 Tina Yawn
$100 Tom/Kristi Stefanits
$50 Tyler/Emmy Bogue
$100 Vance Snider
$50 Vanessa Glotfelter
Here were the Facebook Live Seminar winners!
1 PM Seminar:
$50: Danielle Dilts
$50: Michelle Faust
$100: Penny Rust
$100: Clinton Garrett
$200: Justin Evans
$200: Dusti Burrows
$500: Dianne Carson
7 PM Seminar:
$50: Carolyn Willie McIntosh Broman
$50: Ginel Bess
$100: ChristinaandCraig Wilhite
$100: Graciela Sanchez de Pinales
$200: Cindy Perkins Fryear
$200: Kim Jaurequi
$500: Lori Kennedy
Topics: Pool - Above Ground Pools